Saturday, January 19, 2008

first full day in vienna!

today, i had just gotten out of the shower at 9:30 to be ready to go to Schonnbrunn at 10 when i got a call from the fields' saying that we were going to go tomorrow since it was raining :( i was a little sad because i would have slept in if i had known that in advance, but thats okay because it was probably better for me to get up and be productive.

so we went downstairs and grabbed breakfast (they had crispy bacon! and bread with nutella! seriously thats all i need to start my day off well) and then tried to get organized. we decided to make our way to the market to wander around. janine, natalie, derek, dan, joe and i took a very scenic route, but eventually made it. poor turner was stuck going to the hospital for his knee.

the market was cool i guess. i'm not big into flea market type deals but it was a good experience. the people were selling some of the randomest stuff ever. eventually we stopped at a little stand and i got pizza of course. then we found a grocery store and stocked up on some fanta, water and other essentials. trying to find shampoo, deodorant, etc was a very interesting adventure.

we took all of our groceries back to the hotel, regrouped and headed towards the modern shopping area. luckily the rain had cleared up so it was a much nicer day. the shops were so pretty, just the whole road seemed so nice and classy. natalie and i ended up getting split up from the rest of the group so we hit up our girly stores. i bought another flash drive to store my ridiculous amount of pictures. my camera is pretty much full and we're only halfway done so thats a problem! after shopping, we came back to the hotel to just relax, nap, unpack, etc.

for dinner, janine, natalie and i tried to go back to the restaurant we went to last night. apparently the massive plate of ribs wasn't enough for me. unfortunately they were all full. its so weird- he didn't really give us the option of waiting, it was more like- we're full, sorry. so different than in the US. after our dissapointment, we wandered around the town for a while and finally settled on some italian type restaurant. i ordered pizza (obviously) and the girls ordered pasta. about 10 minutes after we ordered, the waitress told us that it was going to take a long time because she was all by herself. well she wasn't lying because it took almost an hour to get our food! so crazy. my pizza was pretty much a microwave pizza but oh well.

i don't feel like i did much today, but it was still nice to just relax and decompress from all the constant travel...

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