Thursday, January 17, 2008

free day in budapest!

after a much needed sleep in morning, i ventured off to explore budapest on our free (and last) day in budapest. after hitting up a very yummy pizza hut lunch, turner, derek, dan, joe and i took the bus over to buda. we saw the matthias church. it was so pretty. it was cool because it was so different from the saint stephens basicalla that we saw the day before. after that, we met aubrey, janine, natalie and her dad at the hungarian house of wines for wine tasting. OH MAN. that was an adventure. there were over 50 different types of wine to try! we each got a little glass to keep and these yummy crackers and a little book. i skipped ALL the red wines and some of the white. lets just say everyone was having a good time. this woman came over to us at one point and said "i dont know how long youve been here, but you are being really loud." ew. but then it turned out she was some ESPN reporter and all the boys were excited about that.

somehow we took the bus back to our hotel. i took a bit of a nap but then had to get up to go to dinner and folk dancing! it was so much fun! probably one of the best nights so far. the bus ride was verrryyy entertaining. gabby kept talking to us about who knows what. then we started wandering around in these crazy woods. im shocked we made it out alive. as soon as we walked in the gates they gave us these little green porecelen men things with polinka or whatever its called. so we all had to take a shot of that. except that its impossible to take a shot out of it because its crazy shaped and doesnt pour out. i seriously almost spit the whole thing up.

then we walked in and had an awesome dinner! they served the food family style. we had goulash soup- and i actually reallzy liked it. they just put these huge like cauldron on our table and we all scooped it out. then for the main course we had all these different kinds of meat and amazing mashed potatoes. YUM. they also served us a red and white wine. the guy poured it out of these really cool glass things. it was like this big glass thing with a tube coming out and he would shoot it out and then stop it with his finger, really cool. i didnt drink any of the wine so everyone at my table was excited to take it. dessert was awesome too- chocolate sponge cake stuff with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. yummmmm.

after dinner there was this cool folk dancing show! really funny. they pulled turner and joe up on stage and made them dance and it was freaking hilarious. they blindfolded both of them, had them drink a glass of wine and like dance in between bottles. eventually the dancers all went into the crowd and made peolpe dance. it turned into a big dance party, including mr and mrs fields doing the chicken dance. overall it was a hysterical evening. after we got back to the hotel, we changed and went back to morrisons 2.

another long day and tomorrow we are moving on to vienna! budapest went by so fast...

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