Wednesday, January 23, 2008

last train ride!

this morning i got up at 6 am to get my stuff together to leave for munich on our last train ride! i thought i was late when i got my stuff on the bus at 7:15 (which was when we were supposed to leave) but apparently i was early, because no one was on the bus. we had crazy mahem running around trying to find everyone. dan and joe never woke up, and didn't make it ont he bus until 7:45. needless to say, the fields' were not happy. so that bus ride was rough. as soon as we got to the train station we had to RUN to the train, throw our stuff on and barely made it before the train left. overall a very stressful morning. i was sad because i had to sit with my group. our boys were really lame gettign the stuff on the train too, apparently danielle and i were supposed to load ALL the luggage on the train by ourselves.

after a short nap on the train, i went over to the dining car and got lunch with aubrey, joe and jen. i had risotto and it was so yummy! i was so hungry and it was so good!

the train ride went by pretty fast and then we arrived in munich! our hotel was only 2 blocks from the station so we carried our stuff to the hotel and checked in. me and teri's room is alright- kinda dark but could be worse. this is definitely my least favorite hotel though. i let teri have the double bed and sprawled my stuff all over the single and the couch. i showered really fast to get ready for the city tour.

we met our tour guide and took a bus tour of the city! at first i was so tired that it was hard to pay attention but this tour guide made that impossible. he was so funny- he kept picking people from the group to sorta act like the different people he was talking about. mr. fields was the lion? janine was his wife, dan was some king... it was just funny. he was so animated! he showed us this MASSIVE field where octoberfest is held and a big statue that supposedly the statue of liberty was modeled after.

after that we went to a palace and saw that. it was really pretty and cool because of the way he explained it. we also saw the stable and all of these really pretty carriages. finally we saw the downtown area, the town buildings and wandered around for a few. then it was back to the hotel to get ready for dinner really quick.

we went to this cute italian restaurant. we ordered SO MUCH FOOD. i had tortellini soup, tomato and mozerella, bruschetta, 4 cheese pasta and then some of cara's tiramisu for dessert. janine and aubrey ordered a ton too. it was just insane- we were like starving children. we also sang happy birthday to jen too, that was fun.

tonight we just relaxed in aubrey and natalie's room. their room has a balcony that overlooks some of the other rooms so we threw stuff into other peoples room and entertained ourselves middle school style.

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