Thursday, January 3, 2008

US AIR flight 700

finally in Germany! Wednesday, after finishing my packing in the morning, my dad drove me to the philly airport! we got there so early and then stood around waiting at the ticket desk for like 2 hours. finally we checked in, i said goodbye to my dad and then off we went to the terminal! after another sitting around for a few hours, we finally boarded the plane. the ride wasn't terrible though. we had little TV's in the back of our seats so i watched 2.75 movies on the way there. (btw, nanny diaries is officially one of my favorite movies ever.)

at midnight our time/6 am thursday Frankfurt time, we landed! i couldn't sleep at all on the plane so i was getting tired at this point. we took a bus to our hotel and checked in... the hotel is SO NICE! seriously like 5 stars. my room is freaking massive- we have 2 huge bathrooms and bathrobes and towels and slippers, seriously freaking awesome.

after checking in and showering, we each got 20 euros to go find breakfast. teri (my roommate) and i found a little coffee shop but i was too overwhelmed to get anything so i didn't eat :( at 10, we got back on the bus for a bus tour of frankfurt! i'm not terribly impressed with the city- its very modern and financialish, kinda just like being in nyc or something.

our tour guide showed us all around the city- the Main river and all of the important financial buildings. we went on top of the Main tower and could see the entire city. it was SO cold and windy! but besides that it was nice :) next, we went to the old city and saw a museum. there were models of Frankfurt before and after WWII. during the war, the city was bombed and 80% of it was demolished. the models showed just how torn up the city was. since the bombings, there has been a lot of debate over how to reconstruct the city. some want to keep it like it used to be while others want to make it more modern. it was really pretty and felt closer to what i expected a city in germany to be like.

after the tour, we all went to Wagner's Bierstube for lunch. i had an awesome steak and homefries! it was seriously so good. we tried apfelwein and i wasn't too impressed, it just tasted like watered down wine.

at 4, we had a lecture from the consulate. i was so freaking tired, i couldn't stay awake. at this point i had been awake for 30 hours and was so beyond ready to sleep. the lecture was alright, but i felt bad because i was falling asleep. oh well.

next, teri and i wandered around a little bit to find a phone card, hung out with jen and katy in their room and finally crashed at 8 pm. i was so tired, 8 was the absolute latest i could stay up! overall, it was a good yet overwhelming first day in frankfurt.

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