Friday, January 11, 2008

last day in prague :(

i love prague. friday was our last day there. that morning we went to the skoda factory. tons of people here drive skoda cars. until a few months ago i didn't even know what skoda cars were so it was cool to see the factory. we watched this really boring movie about the cars. they showed the changes that have occurred over the years. from bikes to modern cars. we also walked around the museum a little and saw different models.

then we went to the factory. it was insane! there were cars just travelling down the path and tons of peolpe around them moving so fast to put the pieces together. i felt kinda awkward because we were just staring at the people while they did their jobs. czech people are funny. i've seen a lot of rat tails and mullets, so weird.

then we had lunch at the skoda welcome center. there was this whole chicken-beef controversy. it was really funny. i got the chicken so i was happy :)

then we took the bus back to the hotel. i went shopping with cara and jocelyn and bought this really nice blazer. i had to rush back to the hotel because i had to get ready for the orchestra! the fields', cara, christina, teri, dan and i all went to the prague royal orchestra. it was SO nice. seriously the building was just gorgeous and the music was so amazing. i could have sat there forever just in peace listening to the music. totally worth the $35.

i'm going to miss prague :(

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