Saturday, January 5, 2008

"we met here- at o'reilly's!"

last night we went to an irish pub called O'Reilly's. it was realllllly fun. there was karoake and we had a little room pretty much all to ourselves too. we ran into these guys from Marist College. They had actually been at the ECB right after us too. pretty crazy. we also met a really funny girl who was from frankfurt, marrying an American. they met at oreilly's a year before. she had on bunny ears with a veil. very entertaing.

my favorite quote of the night: "i'm not stupid" "you're wearing 2 coats."

i'm having so much more fun than i thought i would!

today we took a bus to heidelberg. it was really cute, BUT pouring down rain. seriously so nasty. we climbed up this crazy hill to get to the castle. we took a tour around the outside of the castle amd the courtyards. inside the castle was crazy- there were these HUGE things of wine. apparently the people had to pay their taxes in wine. so they collected all the wine and mixed it together (red, white, all in these big things) and then people got paid in wine too. kinda crazy. we saw some cool churches and the university in heidelberg. about 100,000 people live there- but 30% are students.

after the tour, we had some time to walk around. i had lunch at hard rock cafe (so nasty.) with cara, jocelyn and brynn. finally we were back on the bus (taking a nap) to be out of the nasty cold rain.

after another nap and shower, we had dinner at the hessicher hof restaurant (our hotel.) it was SO freaking nice. it was a 3 course dinner with two different wines to go with the different courses. i had a really nice relaxing dinner with mrs. fields, derek, katy, jen and alicia. it was good to just be calm :)

i think tonight we are going to go watch american football! yay!

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