Tuesday, January 15, 2008

several boring company visits.

today was up and down. we took the bus to GE to tour the lighting plant. the lecture was kinda rough and boring and so was the tour. luckily lunch was pretty good. we went to the same place we went yesterday and i had awesome chicken from the grill. its sad that whether or not i like my day is dependent on the food i eat.

after lunch we went to zwach. this was so much fun! zwack produces unicum- a hungarian liquor that they all love. we listned to a short but interesitng lecture and then watched a video about the history of unicum. next we went on a tour and saw the museum. it was really interesting. upstairs of the museum wsa a collection of mini bottles- over 15,000 little bottles of alcohol. so crazy!

after all the informative stuff, we had a tasting! we sat at these little tables with 3 different shot glasses in front of us. we tried unicum, unicum next (which is made for the younger generation) and then polinka. i HATED the unicum, the next was tolerable and actually enjoyed the polinka. it just tasted like peach schnapps or something. but the unicum tasted like freaking nasty herbs and stuff. ugh seriously so gross. then we went to the gift shop. some of the boys bought shirts that said "i cannot resist a round thing", oh boys.

we went back to the hotel, relaxed for a bit and then went to dinner as a group at some place. the dinner was so much fun. we sat at this crazy long table and had like chicken fingers and fries basically. i was in need of a good meal. these gypsy guys played music for us and everyone had a really good time.

later that night we went to this place apparently where old people go- old man´s music pub. ha.

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